#define TEST_NAME "sodium_utils" #include "cmptest.h" int main(void) { unsigned char buf_add[1000]; unsigned char buf1[1000]; unsigned char buf2[1000]; unsigned char buf1_rev[1000]; unsigned char buf2_rev[1000]; char buf3[33]; unsigned char buf4[4]; unsigned char nonce[24]; char nonce_hex[49]; const char *b64; char *b64_; const char *b64_end; unsigned char *bin; unsigned char *bin_padded; const char *hex; const char *hex_end; size_t b64_len; size_t bin_len, bin_len2; size_t bin_padded_len; size_t bin_padded_maxlen; size_t blocksize; unsigned int i; unsigned int j; randombytes_buf(buf1, sizeof buf1); memcpy(buf2, buf1, sizeof buf2); printf("%d\n", sodium_memcmp(buf1, buf2, sizeof buf1)); sodium_memzero(buf1, 0U); printf("%d\n", sodium_memcmp(buf1, buf2, sizeof buf1)); sodium_memzero(buf1, sizeof buf1 / 2); printf("%d\n", sodium_memcmp(buf1, buf2, sizeof buf1)); printf("%d\n", sodium_memcmp(buf1, buf2, 0U)); sodium_memzero(buf2, sizeof buf2 / 2); printf("%d\n", sodium_memcmp(buf1, buf2, sizeof buf1)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(buf3, 33U, (const unsigned char *) "0123456789ABCDEF", 16U)); hex = "Cafe : 6942"; sodium_hex2bin(buf4, sizeof buf4, hex, strlen(hex), ": ", &bin_len, &hex_end); printf("%lu:%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", (unsigned long) bin_len, buf4[0], buf4[1], buf4[2], buf4[3]); printf("dt1: %ld\n", (long) (hex_end - hex)); hex = "Cafe : 6942"; sodium_hex2bin(buf4, sizeof buf4, hex, strlen(hex), ": ", &bin_len, NULL); printf("%lu:%02x%02x%02x%02x\n", (unsigned long) bin_len, buf4[2], buf4[3], buf4[2], buf4[3]); hex = "deadbeef"; if (sodium_hex2bin(buf1, 1U, hex, 8U, NULL, &bin_len, &hex_end) != -1) { printf("sodium_hex2bin() overflow not detected\n"); } printf("dt2: %ld\n", (long) (hex_end - hex)); hex = "de:ad:be:eff"; if (sodium_hex2bin(buf1, 4U, hex, 12U, ":", &bin_len, &hex_end) != -1) { printf( "sodium_hex2bin() with an odd input length and a short output " "buffer\n"); } printf("dt3: %ld\n", (long) (hex_end - hex)); hex = "de:ad:be:eff"; if (sodium_hex2bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, hex, 12U, ":", &bin_len, &hex_end) != 0) { printf("sodium_hex2bin() with an odd input length\n"); } printf("dt4: %ld\n", (long) (hex_end - hex)); hex = "de:ad:be:eff"; if (sodium_hex2bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, hex, 13U, ":", &bin_len, &hex_end) != 0) { printf("sodium_hex2bin() with an odd input length\n"); } printf("dt5: %ld\n", (long) (hex_end - hex)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 31U, (const unsigned char *) "\xfb\xf0\xf1" "0123456789ABCDEFab", 21U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 33U, (const unsigned char *) "\xfb\xf0\xf1" "0123456789ABCDEFabc", 22U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 31U, (const unsigned char *) "\xfb\xf0\xf1" "0123456789ABCDEFab", 21U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 33U, (const unsigned char *) "\xfb\xf0\xf1" "0123456789ABCDEFabc", 22U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 1U, NULL, 0U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 5U, (const unsigned char *) "a", 1U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 5U, (const unsigned char *) "ab", 2U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 5U, (const unsigned char *) "abc", 3U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 1U, NULL, 0U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 3U, (const unsigned char *) "a", 1U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 4U, (const unsigned char *) "ab", 2U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING)); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2base64(buf3, 5U, (const unsigned char *) "abc", 3U, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING)); b64 = "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGpvdXJu" "\n" "ZXkgaW50by" " " "Bzb3VuZA=="; memset(buf4, '*', sizeof buf4); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf4, sizeof buf4, b64, strlen(b64), "\n\r ", &bin_len, &b64_end, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL) == -1); buf4[bin_len] = 0; printf("[%s]\n", (const char *) buf4); printf("[%s]\n", b64_end); memset(buf1, '*', sizeof buf1); sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, b64, strlen(b64), "\n\r ", &bin_len, &b64_end, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL); buf1[bin_len] = 0; printf("[%s]\n", (const char *) buf1); assert(*b64_end == 0); memset(buf1, '*', sizeof buf1); sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, b64, strlen(b64), NULL, &bin_len, &b64_end, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL); buf1[bin_len] = 0; printf("[%s]\n", (const char *) buf1); printf("[%s]\n", b64_end); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, b64, strlen(b64), NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL) == 0); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, b64, strlen(b64), NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING) == 0); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, b64, strlen(b64), " \r\n", NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING) == 0); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, b64, strlen(b64), NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING) == 0); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, b64, strlen(b64), " \r\n", NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE_NO_PADDING) == 0); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a=", (size_t) 2U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a*", (size_t) 2U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a*", (size_t) 2U, "~", NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a*", (size_t) 2U, "*", NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a==", (size_t) 3U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a=*", (size_t) 3U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a=*", (size_t) 3U, "~", NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(NULL, (size_t) 10U, "a=*", (size_t) 3U, "*", NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, "O1R", (size_t) 3U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, "O1Q", (size_t) 3U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING) == 0); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, "O1", (size_t) 2U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING) == -1); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, "Ow", (size_t) 2U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING) == 0); assert(sodium_base642bin(buf1, sizeof buf1, "O", (size_t) 1U, NULL, NULL, NULL, sodium_base64_VARIANT_ORIGINAL_NO_PADDING) == -1); for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { assert(sizeof buf1 >= 100); bin_len = (size_t) randombytes_uniform(100); bin = (unsigned char *) sodium_malloc(bin_len); b64_len = 1 + (bin_len + 2) / 3 * 4; b64_ = (char *) sodium_malloc(b64_len); randombytes_buf(bin, bin_len); memcpy(buf1, bin, bin_len); b64 = sodium_bin2base64(b64_, b64_len, bin, bin_len, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE); assert(b64 != NULL); assert(sodium_base642bin(bin, bin_len + 10, b64, b64_len, NULL, NULL, &b64_end, sodium_base64_VARIANT_URLSAFE) == 0); assert(b64_end == &b64[b64_len - 1]); assert(memcmp(bin, buf1, bin_len) == 0); sodium_free(bin); sodium_free(b64_); } memset(nonce, 0, sizeof nonce); sodium_increment(nonce, sizeof nonce); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); memset(nonce, 255, sizeof nonce); sodium_increment(nonce, sizeof nonce); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); nonce[1] = 1U; sodium_increment(nonce, sizeof nonce); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); nonce[1] = 0U; sodium_increment(nonce, sizeof nonce); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); nonce[0] = 255U; nonce[2] = 255U; sodium_increment(nonce, sizeof nonce); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); for (i = 0U; i < 1000U; i++) { bin_len = (size_t) randombytes_uniform(sizeof buf1); randombytes_buf(buf1, bin_len); randombytes_buf(buf2, bin_len); for (j = 0U; j < bin_len; j++) { buf1_rev[bin_len - 1 - j] = buf1[j]; buf2_rev[bin_len - 1 - j] = buf2[j]; } if (memcmp(buf1_rev, buf2_rev, bin_len) * sodium_compare(buf1, buf2, bin_len) < 0) { printf("sodium_compare() failure with length=%u\n", (unsigned int) bin_len); } memcpy(buf1, buf2, bin_len); if (sodium_compare(buf1, buf2, bin_len)) { printf("sodium_compare() equality failure with length=%u\n", (unsigned int) bin_len); } } memset(buf1, 0, sizeof buf1); if (sodium_is_zero(buf1, sizeof buf1) != 1) { printf("sodium_is_zero() failed\n"); } for (i = 0U; i < sizeof buf1; i++) { buf1[i]++; if (sodium_is_zero(buf1, sizeof buf1) != 0) { printf("sodium_is_zero() failed\n"); } buf1[i]--; } bin_len = randombytes_uniform(sizeof buf1); randombytes_buf(buf1, bin_len); memcpy(buf2, buf1, bin_len); memset(buf_add, 0, bin_len); j = randombytes_uniform(10000); for (i = 0U; i < j; i++) { sodium_increment(buf1, bin_len); sodium_increment(buf_add, bin_len); } sodium_add(buf2, buf_add, bin_len); if (sodium_compare(buf1, buf2, bin_len) != 0) { printf("sodium_add() failed\n"); } bin_len = randombytes_uniform(sizeof buf1); randombytes_buf(buf1, bin_len); memcpy(buf2, buf1, bin_len); memset(buf_add, 0xff, bin_len); sodium_increment(buf2, bin_len); sodium_increment(buf2, 0U); sodium_add(buf2, buf_add, bin_len); sodium_add(buf2, buf_add, 0U); if (sodium_compare(buf1, buf2, bin_len) != 0) { printf("sodium_add() failed\n"); } assert(sizeof nonce >= 24U); memset(nonce, 0xfe, 24U); memset(nonce, 0xff, 6U); sodium_increment(nonce, 8U); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); memset(nonce, 0xfe, 24U); memset(nonce, 0xff, 10U); sodium_increment(nonce, 12U); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); memset(nonce, 0xff, 22U); sodium_increment(nonce, 24U); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); assert(sizeof nonce >= 24U); memset(nonce, 0xfe, 24U); memset(nonce, 0xff, 6U); sodium_add(nonce, nonce, 7U); sodium_add(nonce, nonce, 8U); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); memset(nonce, 0xfe, 24U); memset(nonce, 0xff, 10U); sodium_add(nonce, nonce, 11U); sodium_add(nonce, nonce, 12U); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); memset(nonce, 0xff, 22U); sodium_add(nonce, nonce, 23U); sodium_add(nonce, nonce, 24U); printf("%s\n", sodium_bin2hex(nonce_hex, sizeof nonce_hex, nonce, sizeof nonce)); for (i = 0; i < 2000U; i++) { bin_len = randombytes_uniform(200U); blocksize = 1U + randombytes_uniform(100U); bin_padded_maxlen = bin_len + (blocksize - bin_len % blocksize); bin_padded = (unsigned char *) sodium_malloc(bin_padded_maxlen); randombytes_buf(bin_padded, bin_padded_maxlen); assert(sodium_pad(&bin_padded_len, bin_padded, bin_len, blocksize, bin_padded_maxlen - 1U) == -1); assert(sodium_pad(NULL, bin_padded, bin_len, blocksize, bin_padded_maxlen + 1U) == 0); assert(sodium_pad(&bin_padded_len, bin_padded, bin_len, blocksize, bin_padded_maxlen + 1U) == 0); assert(sodium_pad(&bin_padded_len, bin_padded, bin_len, 0U, bin_padded_maxlen) == -1); assert(sodium_pad(&bin_padded_len, bin_padded, bin_len, blocksize, bin_padded_maxlen) == 0); assert(bin_padded_len == bin_padded_maxlen); assert(sodium_unpad(&bin_len2, bin_padded, bin_padded_len, bin_padded_len + 1U) == -1); assert(sodium_unpad(&bin_len2, bin_padded, bin_padded_len, 0U) == -1); assert(sodium_unpad(&bin_len2, bin_padded, bin_padded_len, blocksize) == 0); assert(bin_len2 == bin_len); sodium_free(bin_padded); } return 0; }