#!/bin/sh # # Run a sequence of gamma tests quietly err=0 echo >> pngtest-log.txt echo "============ pngvalid-full.sh ==============" >> pngtest-log.txt echo "Running test-pngvalid-full.sh" for gamma in threshold transform sbit 16-to-8 background alpha-mode do # For the moment the composition calculation is performed with minimal # accuracy, do this to work round the problem: if test $gamma = background -o $gamma = alpha-mode then opts=--use-linear-precision else opts= fi if ./pngvalid $opts "--gamma-$gamma" >> pngtest-log.txt 2>&1 then echo " PASS:" pngvalid "--gamma-$gamma" else echo " FAIL:" pngvalid "--gamma-$gamma" err=1 fi done echo exit $err