The following are the currently-planned release requirements for Expat 1.95.4. Items will not be removed from this page; if a requirement is dropped or delayed, it will be moved to the appropriate section at the end and the reason for the change will be noted.

Expat 1.95.4 Requirements

  • The SkippedEntityHandler patch should be checked in and thoroughly debugged.
    See SF patch #559910
    Status: Done.

  • The InternalEntityRefHandler feature needs to be implemented and tested.
    See the comments for SF patch #429501.

  • SF bug #441449 should be resolved.

  • The build process on Unix should create both libexpat.{a,so} and libexpatw.{a,so} by default.

Delayed Requirements

There are no delayed requirements at this time.

Dropped Requirements

There are no dropped requirements at this time.
