/* ** Copyright (c) 2001-2006 Expat maintainers. ** ** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining ** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the ** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including ** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, ** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to ** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to ** the following conditions: ** ** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ** in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ** ** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, ** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF ** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, ** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ** SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #define LIBNAME "expat.library" #define LIBPRI 0 #define VERSION 4 #define REVISION 1 #define VSTRING "expat.library 4.1 (18.3.2005)" /* dd.mm.yyyy */ static const char* __attribute__((used)) verstag = "\0$VER: " VSTRING; struct ExpatBase { struct Library libNode; uint16 pad; BPTR SegList; }; struct ExpatBase * libInit(struct ExpatBase *libBase, BPTR seglist, struct ExecIFace *ISys); uint32 libObtain (struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self); uint32 libRelease (struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self); struct ExpatBase *libOpen (struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self, uint32 version); BPTR libClose (struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self); BPTR libExpunge (struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self); static APTR lib_manager_vectors[] = { libObtain, libRelease, NULL, NULL, libOpen, libClose, libExpunge, NULL, (APTR)-1, }; static struct TagItem lib_managerTags[] = { { MIT_Name, (uint32)"__library" }, { MIT_VectorTable, (uint32)lib_manager_vectors }, { MIT_Version, 1 }, { TAG_END, 0 } }; extern void *main_vectors[]; static struct TagItem lib_mainTags[] = { { MIT_Name, (uint32)"main" }, { MIT_VectorTable, (uint32)main_vectors }, { MIT_Version, 1 }, { TAG_END, 0 } }; static APTR libInterfaces[] = { lib_managerTags, lib_mainTags, NULL }; static struct TagItem libCreateTags[] = { { CLT_DataSize, sizeof(struct ExpatBase) }, { CLT_InitFunc, (uint32)libInit }, { CLT_Interfaces, (uint32)libInterfaces }, { TAG_END, 0 } }; static struct Resident __attribute__((used)) lib_res = { RTC_MATCHWORD, // rt_MatchWord &lib_res, // rt_MatchTag &lib_res+1, // rt_EndSkip RTF_NATIVE | RTF_AUTOINIT, // rt_Flags VERSION, // rt_Version NT_LIBRARY, // rt_Type LIBPRI, // rt_Pri LIBNAME, // rt_Name VSTRING, // rt_IdString libCreateTags // rt_Init }; struct Library *DOSLib = 0; struct Library *UtilityBase = 0; struct ExecIFace *IExec = 0; struct DOSIFace *IDOS = 0; struct UtilityIFace *IUtility = 0; void _start() { } struct ExpatBase *libInit(struct ExpatBase *libBase, BPTR seglist, struct ExecIFace *ISys) { libBase->libNode.lib_Node.ln_Type = NT_LIBRARY; libBase->libNode.lib_Node.ln_Pri = LIBPRI; libBase->libNode.lib_Node.ln_Name = LIBNAME; libBase->libNode.lib_Flags = LIBF_SUMUSED|LIBF_CHANGED; libBase->libNode.lib_Version = VERSION; libBase->libNode.lib_Revision = REVISION; libBase->libNode.lib_IdString = VSTRING; libBase->SegList = seglist; IExec = ISys; DOSLib = OpenLibrary("dos.library", 51); if ( DOSLib != 0 ) { IDOS = (struct DOSIFace *)GetInterface(DOSLib, "main", 1, NULL); if ( IDOS != 0 ) { UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", 51); if ( UtilityBase != 0 ) { IUtility = (struct UtilityIFace*)GetInterface(UtilityBase, "main", 1, NULL); if ( IUtility != 0 ) { return libBase; } CloseLibrary(UtilityBase); } DropInterface((struct Interface *)IDOS); } CloseLibrary(DOSLib); } return NULL; } uint32 libObtain( struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self ) { ++Self->Data.RefCount; return Self->Data.RefCount; } uint32 libRelease( struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self ) { --Self->Data.RefCount; return Self->Data.RefCount; } struct ExpatBase *libOpen( struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self, uint32 version ) { struct ExpatBase *libBase; libBase = (struct ExpatBase *)Self->Data.LibBase; ++libBase->libNode.lib_OpenCnt; libBase->libNode.lib_Flags &= ~LIBF_DELEXP; return libBase; } BPTR libClose( struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self ) { struct ExpatBase *libBase; libBase = (struct ExpatBase *)Self->Data.LibBase; --libBase->libNode.lib_OpenCnt; if ( libBase->libNode.lib_OpenCnt ) { return 0; } if ( libBase->libNode.lib_Flags & LIBF_DELEXP ) { return (BPTR)Self->LibExpunge(); } else { return 0; } } BPTR libExpunge( struct LibraryManagerInterface *Self ) { struct ExpatBase *libBase; BPTR result = 0; libBase = (struct ExpatBase *)Self->Data.LibBase; if (libBase->libNode.lib_OpenCnt == 0) { Remove(&libBase->libNode.lib_Node); result = libBase->SegList; DropInterface((struct Interface *)IUtility); CloseLibrary(UtilityBase); DropInterface((struct Interface *)IDOS); CloseLibrary(DOSLib); DeleteLibrary(&libBase->libNode); } else { libBase->libNode.lib_Flags |= LIBF_DELEXP; } return result; }